Crate dioxus_core

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dioxus-core is a fast and featureful VirtualDom implementation written in and for Rust.


  • Functions as components
  • Hooks for local state
  • Task pool for spawning futures
  • Template-based architecture
  • Asynchronous components
  • Suspense boundaries
  • Error boundaries through the anyhow crate
  • Customizable memoization

If you are just starting, check out the Guides first.

General Theory

The dioxus-core VirtualDom object is built around the concept of a Template. Templates describe a layout tree known at compile time with dynamic parts filled at runtime.

Each component in the VirtualDom works as a dedicated render loop where re-renders are triggered by events external to the VirtualDom, or from the components themselves.

When each component re-renders, it must return an Element. In Dioxus, the Element type is an alias for Result<VNode>. Between two renders, Dioxus compares the inner VNode object and calculates the differences between the dynamic portions of each internal Template. If any attributes or elements are different between the old layout and the new layout, Dioxus will write modifications to the Mutations object.

Dioxus expects the target renderer to save its nodes in a list. Each element is given a numerical ID which can be used to directly index into that list for O(1) lookups.


All Dioxus apps start as just a function that takes the Scope object and returns an Element.

The dioxus crate exports the rsx macro which transforms a helpful, simpler syntax of Rust into the logic required to build Templates.

First, start with your app:

use dioxus::prelude::*;

// First, declare a root component
fn app(cx: Scope) -> Element {
        div { "hello world" }

fn main() {
    // Next, create a new VirtualDom using this app as the root component.
    let mut dom = VirtualDom::new(app);

    // The initial render of the dom will generate a stream of edits for the real dom to apply
    let mutations = dom.rebuild();

    // Somehow, you can apply these edits to the real dom

We can then wait for any asynchronous components or pending futures using the wait_for_work() method. If we have a deadline, then we can use render_with_deadline instead:

// Wait for the dom to be marked dirty internally

// Or wait for a deadline and then collect edits
let mutations = dom.render_with_deadline(tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(16)));

If an event occurs from outside the VirtualDom while waiting for work, then we can cancel the wait using a select! block and inject the event.

loop {
    select! {
        evt = real_dom.event() => dom.handle_event("click",, evt.element, evt.bubbles),
        _ = dom.wait_for_work() => {}

    // Render any work without blocking the main thread for too long
    let mutations = dom.render_with_deadline(tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(10)));

    // And then apply the edits


Dioxus-core builds off the many frameworks that came before it. Notably, Dioxus borrows these concepts:

  • React: hooks, concurrency, suspense
  • Dodrio: bump allocation, double buffering, and some diffing architecture

Dioxus-core hits a very high level of parity with mature frameworks. However, Dioxus also brings some new unique features:

  • managed lifetimes for borrowed data
  • placeholder approach for suspended vnodes
  • fiber/interruptible diffing algorithm
  • custom memory allocator for VNodes and all text content
  • support for fragments w/ lazy normalization
  • slab allocator for scopes
  • mirrored-slab approach for remote VirtualDoms
  • dedicated subtrees for rendering into separate contexts from the same app

There’s certainly more to the story, but these optimizations make Dioxus memory use and allocation count extremely minimal. For an average application, no allocations may be needed once the app has been loaded. Only when new components are added to the dom will allocations occur. For a given component, the space of old VNodes is dynamically recycled as new nodes are added. Additionally, Dioxus tracks the average memory footprint of previous components to estimate how much memory allocate for future components.

All in all, Dioxus treats memory as a valuable resource. Combined with the memory-efficient footprint of Wasm compilation, Dioxus apps can scale to thousands of components and still stay snappy.


The final implementation of Dioxus must:

  • Be fast. Allocators are typically slow in Wasm/Rust, so we should have a smart way of allocating.
  • Be memory efficient. Servers should handle tens of thousands of simultaneous VDoms with no problem.
  • Be concurrent. Components should be able to pause rendering to let the screen paint the next frame.
  • Be disconnected from a specific renderer (no WebSys dependency in the core crate).
  • Support server-side-rendering (SSR). VNodes should render to a string that can be served via a web server.
  • Be “live”. Components should be able to be both server-rendered and client rendered without needing frontend APIs.
  • Be modular. Components and hooks should work anywhere without worrying about the target platform.


  • pub use crate::innerlude::vdom_is_rendering;
  • pub use crate::innerlude::AnyValue;


  • Important dependencies that are used by the rest of the library Feel free to just add the dependencies in your own Crates.toml
  • The purpose of this module is to alleviate imports of many common types


  • An attribute on a DOM node, such as id="my-thing" or href=""
  • An instance of an error captured by a descendant component.
  • An Element’s unique identifier.
  • A wrapper around some generic data that handles the event’s state
  • A concrete type provider for closures that build VNode structures.
  • A container for all the relevant steps to modify the Real DOM
  • A component’s unique identifier.
  • A component’s state separate from its props.
  • A wrapper around a component’s ScopeState and properties. The ScopeState provides the majority of methods for the VirtualDom and component state.
  • A task’s unique identifier.
  • A static layout of a UI tree that describes a set of dynamic and static nodes.
  • An instance of a child component
  • A reference to a template along with any context needed to hydrate it
  • A placeholder node, used by suspense and fragments
  • An instance of some text, mounted to the DOM
  • A virtual node system that progresses user events and diffs UI trees.


  • Any of the built-in values that the Dioxus VirtualDom supports as dynamic attributes on elements
  • Any of the built-in values that the Dioxus VirtualDom supports as dynamic attributes on elements that are borrowed
  • A node created at runtime
  • A Mutation represents a single instruction for the renderer to use to modify the UI tree to match the state of the Dioxus VirtualDom.
  • The actual state of the component’s most recent computation
  • An attribute of the TemplateNode, created at compile time
  • A statically known node in a layout.


  • A trait that allows various items to be converted into a dynamic node for the rsx macro
  • Every “Props” used for a component must implement the Properties trait. This trait gives some hints to Dioxus on how to memoize the props and some additional optimizations that can be made. We strongly encourage using the derive macro to implement the Properties trait automatically as guarantee that your memoization strategy is safe.


  • Create inline fragments using Component syntax.
  • This utility function launches the builder method so rsx! and html! macros can use the typed-builder pattern to initialize a component’s props.

Type Aliases